Create your own symbols and catalogs

You can create symbols in any CC3 drawing, add them to existing catalogs or even create new catalogs.

Create a symbol from existing entities

Set the current layer to SYMBOL DEFINTION.


On the Symbols menu, click Define Symbol.

Type your symbol’s name (no more than 32 characters) then press ENTER at the "Symbol Name:" prompt.

Click on a significant point on the symbol at the "Symbol Origin:" prompt. The center or lower left is best.

Select the entities you want included. Your symbol is defined.


Create a new symbol from scratch

1 On the Symbols menu, click Symbol Manager.

2 Click New. Type a unique name for the new symbol.

3 Click two points to form the corners of a new drawing window at the New Window: prompt.

4 Set the current layer to SYMBOL DEFINTION.


5 Draw your symbol with CC3 entities.

6 Close the symbol creation window.

Note The 0,0 point of the symbol is used as the new symbol’s insertion point. To change this, on the View menu, click Move Origin, click a point.

Tip You can create your own symbol library from symbols in the current drawing. To do this, in the Symbol Manager, click Save As Catalog.

To open an existing symbol catalog

On the File menu click Open.

2 In Files of Type click CC3 Symbol Catalog.

Select the catalog to which you wan add new symbols.

(Optional)Click the Drawing button image\Drawing.gif and insert a current symbol for comparison

To start a new catalog

On the File menu click Open.

2 In Files of Type click CC3 Symbol Catalog.

3 Select Blank.fsc in the Symbols\Maps folder.

Note If you want to define lots of symbols, draw them first, save the drawing and then define them.