Fractal Path

Click Fractal Path image\FPATH.gif to add a fractal path to your drawing.

FRACTAL PATH lets you draw a complex fractal to make realistic looking coastlines, rivers and other natural features. You can see what any section of the fractal will look like before you accept it.

  1. The prompt reads "Starting point:". Select a starting point for your fractal path with the left mouse button.

CC3 displays a rubber-band cursor, anchored at the 1st point.

  1. The prompt reads"Next point on Path(Re-randomize=Space: Depth = L/R Arrows: Strength=U/D arrows:)" Move the mouse where you want the path to go.

You can see a dynamic cursor showing where the fractal path goes.

Use the following keys to control the appearance of the fractal path

·   The SPACEBAR re-randomizes the fractal.

·   The lef t and right arrows control the depth of the fractal. The depth controls the distance between each segment.

·   The up and down arrows control the strength of the fractal. The strength controls the displacement of each segment from the average.

  1. Choose a point. Choose more points. Right click to complete the path.

See Fractal Polygon for tips.

Text equivalent: FPATH