Making a symbol from a House

Symbols and houses are created in different ways, and have some layer differences, but it’s not that hard to use the HOUSE command to make a symbol that you can use again. Most of the work has been done for you.

Creating a symbol from a new house

Start a drawing based on the blank template in the Cities/Symbols directory.

Set the current layer to STRUCTURES (COLOR)

Draw the house, adding extensions. Select Insert > Ungroup, ungroup the house.

Add any frills that you want. Edit > Explode them.

Select Symbols > Change to SymColor. Select by layer, STRUCTURES (COLOR). This adds the demographic information.

Creating a symbol from an existing house.

Copy the house to the clipboard. Paste it into a new drawing based on the blank template in the Cities/Symbols directory.

Select Insert > Ungroup, ungroup the house. Do this again. (The house may be grouped twice because you have inserted it from the clipboard.

Select Info > List and choose the edge of the house. The first thing listed must be changed to the STRUCTURES (COLOR) layer. Usually, it can be selected by layer.

Select Symbols > Change to SymColor. Select by layer, STRUCTURES (COLOR). This adds the demographic information.

Defining the symbol

Rotate the building so that the side that would face the road is facing down the screen.

Select Symbols > Control Points. Add Control Points. Select a point in the bottom left corner of the symbol’s extents, then the bottom right corner of the symbol’s extents (You can work out the symbol’s extents by imagining a box drawn round the symbol that just encloses it.

Select Align on Insertion, Keep DynTrack Scale, and Offset from Place point. The other options should be unchecked.

Select Symbols > Define Symbol. Type a name then select an origin point in the mid point of the control point you just added.