Perspective Settings overview

Perspectives Settings are pre-defined combinations of color schemes and hatching styles used to create the walls, floors and solid shapes of your floorplan. When you use any of Perspective Pro’s tools, their appearance is controlled by the settings. The settings consist of a color scheme, to give a solid background color, and hatch patterns to give the appearance of textures such as stone or wood. There are a number of predefined settings, and it’s easy to create your own

To preview then choose a Perspectives Setting

On the Perspectives toolbar click Perspective Settings image\Peropt.gif


To see a preview of the style, under Saved Settings, click on any setting name.

Double click a setting to make it current.

To choose then edit Perspectives Setting

On the Perspectives toolbar right-click Perspective Settings image\Peropt.gif

Click any setting to make it current.

3 Change any of the Perspectives settings.

4 Save the edited setting.