Wireframe Extrusion

Extrusion is the process by which a 2D enity is converted into a 3D shape. Wireframe Extrusion creates an isometric 3D shape with all edges visible, even if they are hidden. Wireframe Extrusion can be used in any direction.

To create a wireframe extrusion

Click Solid Extrusion image\iextrude.gif. Right click Wireframe Extrusion.

2 Select the entities to extrude.

The prompt reads "Extrude from:"

3 Click a point from which to extrude

The prompt reads "To (SHIFT-Free) or enter distance:"

4 Either click a point, type a distance and press ENTER or right click to accept the default default (previous) positive value.

Note: Press SHIFT to extrude in any direction.