Export Rectangular Section

Right click on Save image\Save.gif to access Export Rectangular Section.

Export Rectnagular Section lets you save a rectangular area of the view window as a JPEG, BMP or PNG file. This is not a screen capture; it will use the current JPEG/PNG Options to determine the resolution. In this way you can create artwork for web sites or professional publications.

  1. The prompt reads "Pick first corner:" This point defines one corner of rectangular area to export. Select using the crosshairs or type numeric coordinates.

The cursor changes to a stretching rectangle anchored at the first corner.

  1. The prompt reads "Opposite corner:". Select a point when the rectangle is the size and shape you want or type numeric coordinates for the new corner.

  2. The file dialog box appears. Select a file type from the pull down menu, and type in a file name, or select a file to save over.


Text Equivalent: WBS