Edit Symbol

To edit a symbol, select Symbol Manager on the Symbols menu, choose a symbol, then click Edit.

The EDIT SYMDEF command lets you select any symbol defined in your drawing and edit it. Once the definition has been edited, all references pointing to it use the updated definition and redraw accordingly.

When you invoke this command, CC3 displays the Edit Symbol dialog box. Select the definition you wish to modify.

CC3 then asks you to create a new drawing window by displaying the prompt: "New window corner:". Pick a point of the screen. CC3 then displays the "Opposite corner:" prompt. Select another point to finish creating the new drawing window. You can resize the drawing window by dragging the border of the window outward, or make it full screen by choosing the maximize icon image\ICN_Max.gif on the title bar.

You can now perform regular draw and edit operations as if this were a normal drawing. When you are done modifying the symbol definition, choose the exit icon image\ICN_Exit.gif on the title bar.

CC3 displays an alert box that tells you to verify the changes. If you choose the Yes button, the new symbol definition will be saved within the drawing, and symbol references pointing to it will be updated. If you choose the No button, then your edits will be ignored, and the symbol window will close.

Note that UNDO will not work on this command. If you accept a modified definition, you cannot take it back.

Text-only commands - Editing Symbol Colors

You can use the EDIT SYMDEF to change colors of a specific symbol defintion. However, CC3 provides commands to change the color for all symbol definitions in a drawing:

These commands can be big timesavers when modifying an entire symbol catalog. Without them, you would have to use EDIT SYMDEF on each symbol definition in the drawing, and then apply the CHANGE-COLOR command.

Text equivalent: EDSYMDEF

Related Topics

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