Cartographer's Annual 2007
Example Heraldry Design

The Cartographer's Annual Vol 2

March ’08

In March of 2008 the Cartographer's Annual looks at creating heraldic shields and devices to enhance your fantasy campaigns or even illustrate your family history. The march issue includes the amazing heraldry artwork of Master Mapper Lonny Eckert, updated to take full advantage of CC3's new features.

Example Heraldry Designs

In addtion to dozens of symbols, you get new templates, drawing tools, true type fonts, and a mapping guide to start you on creating your own heraldry. Take a look at the gallery for some larger examples.

The style pack Symbol Catalogs includes

  • 1 3-page pdf Mapping Guide
  • 3 example drawings
  • 266 symbols (5 catalogs)
  • 1 new drawing style
  • 9 new drawing tools
  • 1 new true type font
  • 1 new template wizard
  • 3 new templates